We are seeking a talented part-time Digital Marketing Specialist or full-time Digital Marketing Intern to join our young and growing team. Part-time Digital Marketing Specialist (committed for long-term employment) Requirements:
Brief Role Description:
Gross monthly salary is $200. Capacity building and professional development opportunity is available. Other benefits will be granted if full-time employment is open. CV and cover letter should be submitted by email ([email protected]) to Kimsophat Kong (Mr.) no later than August 12, 2016. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. We offer an equal job opportunity. Women are encouraged to apply. Full-time Digital Marketing Intern (committed for at least six months) Requirements:
Brief Role Description:
Monthly allowance is between $100-$200. Capacity building opportunities in related field are provided when available. CV and letter of interest should be submitted via email ([email protected]) to Kimsophat Kong (Mr.) no later than August 12, 2016. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a face-to-face or Skype interview. We offer an equal job and internship opportunity. Women are encouraged to apply.
1 Comment
11/1/2019 02:37:03 pm
I love this blog!! The flash up the top is awesome!!
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