The Royal Government of Cambodia has released a new sub-decree that offers tax incentives to qualifying Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in certain priority sectors. These tax incentives are being offered to promote the development of SMEs, and ultimately to increase job creations and domestic production capacity in the kingdom. To find out more about the tax incentives being offered, refer to the definitions and information below. Step 1: SMEs What qualifies as an SME? Use the following definitions of SMEs. "Small-sized Enterprises” refers to any business that has an annual revenue turnover of 250 million Riel to 700 million Riel ($62,500 to $175,000 USD), or an enterprise that is categorized as a small taxpayer according to the laws and regulations or has 10-50 employees. “Medium-sized Enterprises” refers to any business that has an annual revenue turnover of 700 million Riel to 4 billion Riel ($175,000 to $1,000,000 USD), or an enterprise that is categorized as a medium taxpayer according to the laws and regulations or has 51-100 employees. Step 2: Priority Sector Does your SME fit into one of these priority sectors? In order to qualify, the nature of your business must be categorized in one of the following sectors. 1. Agricultural products or agro-processing 2. Food production and processing 3. Manufacturing of goods for domestic consumption, waste processing, and goods for the tourism sector 4. Manufacturing of final goods, parts or components to support other manufacturing 5. Research and development of information technology including the supply of innovative information management services 6. Enterprises in the SME clusters, and enterprises that develop those clusters However, it is important to note that SMEs that affect social security, health, and the environment are not eligible for these incentives. Tax Incentives: Tax on Income (TOI) Exemptions and Deductible Expenses SMEs that qualify according to the specifications stated above are entitled to the following:
Conditions It is important to note that even if you qualify for the incentives listed above, you still must “hold the accounting books” and file tax returns on TOI with the Tax administration by the due date and in accordance with the laws and regulations. If you fail to comply with tax obligations stated in the laws and regulations, then you forfeit your rights to these incentives will be revoked. Any statement that goes against this sub-degree is null and will be repealed. This sub-decree is now in effect. And as of 02 October 2018, the Minister in charge of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Economy and Finance, and all relevant ministers and all head of institutions shall be responsible for implementing this sub-decree according to their respective duties. ______________________________________________________________________________ References made in the sub-decree Having seen the following:
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